
Demand for data processing increases but the IT budget doesn’t. How to meet this demand?

Even with the order to reduce costs, companies must always maintain the quality of their services and seek to expand their business to remain competitive within their segment. Information technology has the role of optimizing processes by cutting costs, but what to do when IT investment remains inert even with growing demand in today’s data processing?

Set Goals

Before cutting internal expenditures or looking for new solutions that reduce information technology investment, it is necessary to establish an objective to serve as a validator of the new decision making, making clear, all the goals the solution aims to achieve, from the most common ones and necessities to control spending, but without neglecting innovation and development, we can list:

  • Propose scalability to IT infrastructure;
  • Decrease the allocation of technical staff to problem solving;4
  • Promote innovation for business continuity;
  • Cutting excessive or unnecessary expenses;

Analyze the current scenario

Now that you have your clear goal you need to analyze the overall scenario of your company’s IT processes and check if any old culture regarding to these processes may hinder the technological evolution of the company or require excessive investments, to intervene immediately and propose new solutions. It is also important to take into account the IT workforce that the company has, in order to adjust the possible solution to the technical and quantitative reality of the operation, some important analyzes to consider are:

  • Hardware specifications available in the environment;
  • Possibility of IT infrastructure expansion;
  • Current technical capacity of the company;
  • Acquisition capacity of the information technology budget;

Finding the Right Solution for Your Business

Analyzing the current scenario and considering the IT budget at hand, one must look for technologies available in the market that facilitate internal processes and at the same time reduce expenses.

To find the technology most adherent with your business you need an analysis of the data that the company maintains in order to extract new insights, because a lot of this data is not taken advantage of, and so its potential is not exploited due to lack of application of the appropriate technology. To work the data of your company better there is a solution that allows you to transform large volumes of this complex data into useful information for the organization. This solution is called Big Data, it allows the analysis of the data in its native form, being structured or unstructured the analysis converts the data into a possible asset for the institution, this type of solution is important because there is data that cannot be analyzed and processed by traditional technologies, often this data is considered obsolete and many companies loose by not to seeing the possibilities that this data can bring to their business. There is a range of applications in the market focused on Big Data analysis and it is up to the IT group to look for the one that best fits the business needs.

With a complete data analysis, it is necessary to apply all this information to a solution that, in fact, brings together and integrates all IT processes, promoting technological advancement and cost reduction. The technology available in the market that provides this integration are the so-called hyperconvergent clouds that virtualize the main operations of computing (storage, networking and computing) in an Integrated Cloud Computing Environment.

Cloud Computing: The Solution For Your Business

Cloud computing solutions deliver the innovation your business needs and dramatically reduce IT costs, as it is a pay-as-you-go solution, thus avoiding additional and unnecessary costs, giving you the freedom to increase or decrease resources in the environment.

There are three main models of cloud solutions that fit your business needs, they are: Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud. The private cloud is the acquisition of the solution within your operating environment, so the infrastructure is supported and managed internally. The public cloud is the provision of the cloud infrastructure in another data center, having access to these features through the web interface, those who contract the services receive the necessary amount of computational resources for their applications to be supported. The hybrid cloud is the intercalation between private and public solutions, having part of the on premises and another part in providers’ data centers. To know more about the benefits of migrating your solutions to Cloud Computing environments click here.

We have seen that in order to meet the new demand for data processing and to keep the IT budget under control, it is necessary to establish the objectives that the company wants to achieve, to analyze the current scenario of the organization and to open the eyes to innovation, keeping them in a safe and scalable environment according to the need of your business.

Quer saber mais sobre Cloud Computing ?

Explore sobre 'computação em nuvem, benefícios, aplicações e saiba como manter os ambientes mais seguros com as vantagens multicloud.

Quer saber mais sobre Segurança?

Aprenda como manter os dados e sua infraestrutura de TI seguros e explore soluções que geram mais valor para seu negócio.

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